Challenges in rural areas: the lack of knowledge and innovation
While urban areas benefit from the educational and research institutions located there, especially regarding sustainable development, people in rural areas often lack direct access to such sources of knowledge. Despite the internet and modern e-learning opportunities, residents of rural areas are increasingly disconnected from the knowledge growth of our fundamentally urban-oriented society. As a result, innovations based on the creative use of knowledge are much more difficult to achieve in these areas.
SPREEAKADEMIE: A bridge between science and practice
To address this need, SPREEAKADEMIE has been offering educational and participation programs for several years, providing concrete approaches to sustainable municipal and regional development. As a rural academy based in the Spreewald village of Raddusch, SPREEAKADEMIE creates alternative access to education and knowledge in the rural areas of Lusatia. It positions itself as a mediator between science and research on the one hand, and the practice of rural living environments on the other. Through knowledge transfer, it also supports innovation processes in rural areas and serves as a network and dialogue partner for local people and regional development stakeholders.
Partner for local development and sustainability in local
SPREEAKADEMIE primarily considers itself a development partner for municipalities, supporting both local administrations and civil society on their path to greater sustainability. The company has received significant positive feedback on the implementation of its education and participation formats to date and is therefore eager to share the processes and specialist expertise it has gained with other local authorities.
SPREEAKADEMIE also sees its work as a meaningful contribution to the promotion of democracy, which is more important than ever in light of the increasingly populist and anti-democratic trends in the region.
Outstanding projects to promote ecological and social sustainability
Key SPREEAKADEMIE projects in recent years include the “PartizipNatur” project, funded by the KoMoNa directive. This project has been implemented in Vetschau since the beginning of 2024 and is based on a long participatory pre-process with the local administration and civil society.
Even before this, the company had already launched numerous educational and participatory projects focused on environmental sustainability and the energy transition. These include the “Edible Village of Raddusch” project, commissioned by the Raddusch Sports Club, as well as various seminars and excursions on the energy transition using Lusatia as an example. Funding came from the state of Brandenburg, the Brandenburg State Agency for Civic Education, the Heinrich Böll Foundation, and the Goethe Institute, among others.
Supporting processes for municipalities: transferring knowledge into practice
With this expertise, SPREEAKADEMIE has now taken on the role of a municipal process facilitator in the region. In close cooperation with representatives of civil society and local authorities, projects are initiated that enable local residents to actively participate in sustainable municipal development.